Jesus Spam.

I'm not so into Jesus spam. I'm not sure Jesus would be. There is a difference between "unashamed" and obnoxious. I am not totally sure all the time where those lines are, but I don't want anywhere near them. I am pretty sure that anyone who knows me (christ-followers and not) would tell you that my faith is very real and important to me, but I am just not into using my fb - or my life for that matter - as a platform to "preach". I don't like shoving my faith in people's faces. I don't think Jesus did that - shove himself on people. He just had real relationships with people, and those people were deeply and irrevocably altered by him. That's my experience with Jesus.

Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain. He washed it white as snow.

1 comment:

  1. Well said.

    And I was listening to that song yesterday. Made me think of your Nanny's funeral.
