Bucket list..

As I was about to leave the Baylor Institute for Rehabilitation today, I bent over and said goodbye to Michael.. I grabbed his hand and said, "I love you, buddy! you're doing so good, I'll see you soon." I looked at him and he had a huge grin on his face, like he always had before, and then he let go of my hand; and he hugged me. Right at that moment I realized how true the statement "Our God is Healer" is.

We were there for an hour or so, within that time it was like miracle after miracle. He had his eyes wide open, making eye contact, WRITING!!, playing thumb wars, giving high fives, untying his shoes, and playing catch with balloons.. He made a joke; then laughed at his own joke. He smiled when I smelled his hair, when we were recording him, taking pics, talking about Antoine Dobson, and when we would just say something he thought was funny.

Number 2 of 36 on my bucket list: Witness a miracle.
Number 2 on my bucket list has officially been crossed out.

Thank you, Michael- for everything you've done for me this past year. Whether it was yelling at me to set me straight, listen to me when I complained, or hanging out with me when I just needed a friend.. Without you eaves-dropping on my life story at ski trip, I may have never met you.. SO, thank you for eaves-dropping. You have changed my life and you don't even know it yet. I love you, Michael Ian Batts. You are and always will be one of my best friends. Even when I do ignore you when I'm mad, yell at you when I'm frustrated, or don't talk to you when I'm aggravated; I know I didn't make it obvious how deeply I care about you, but you always knew :) You're a strong guy, we all know that now; I knew it before, but now everyone else can see it too.

Through all of this you have made me stronger. I now know that miracles are real, they CAN happen, and they DO happen. Your story is going to be so amazing when this is all over with, and with the progress that you've been making; It looks like you'll be able to tell your story pretty darn soon. You've spoken to so many people through this without even saying a word, and THAT is amazing. <3


  1. It was a beautiful thing to watch! Remember his smile when you think you're about to hit rock bottom, and keep fighting. Michael is. And God will continue to help both of you.

  2. I feel like I need to comment on this again. Because, while watching Michael heal has been amazing, watching your faith expand has also been amazing. To watch you celebrate the victories and give God the credit encourages my soul. To read about you learning that you really CAN do ALL things, no matter how bleak the circumstances may feel, has made my heart smile. Michael may have been the catalyst, but this new perspective of yours is your very own gift from God. Thanks for reminding me to celebrate! I love you.
