Dear Nanny..

Hey Nan, it's our first thanksgiving without you and I can't even begin to explain how weird it is. I think it's finally hit us all that you're really gone now.. It sucks but we know you're in a much better place.. We miss you a lot, I know you know this. I just wish you could be here with us. Abby's getting so big now, she's beautiful.. Gage is still his awkward little self, but he's breaking his shell. Brody, well, he's still irritating. I made the fruit salad yesterday, it was weird not hearing "now you watch your fingers, we don't wanna take a trip to the hospital on a holiday, the streets are too busy for traveling" hahah, and I didn't cut off a finger.. Just sayin. ;) well, Christmas is next and I'm sure that'll be ten times harder. Someone's gotta wear those huge earrings shaped like Christmas bells like you used to.. I love you and I miss you so much, Nanny. See ya <3

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