"Do you even remember 9/11?"

"yeah! i was in class"

Keeping the answer short and simple, there was no need to go into detail at that moment. Remembering it perfectly her mind went somewhere else, it was like a flashback sort of thing. She remembered her best friend running and screaming down the hallways of the elementary school yelling about her father who was just killed in the twin towers incident. No one knew what she was talking about until you heard the roar of cell phone rings and the announcements come and tell everyone to head to the auditorium/gym where we would spend the rest of the day in silence.. Absences were excused and hearts were broken.

The screaming cries of her best friend come to her mind everytime 9/11 is mentioned. She hears her yelling about how the "bad guys killed her daddy" and she remembers all the times she spent with that family.. She remembers how her best friend's dad would leave for a long time on work, but when he came home he'd let her pretend to shoot his gun and walk around in his bullet proof vest..

So when the question is asked, "do you even remember 9/11?", she just says yes.. nothing more. She may have been young, but she remembers becuase that man was the first person she ever lost.

RIP all of the lives lost in 9/11. We got him.

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