Out of the "blur"..

Earlier this week I was reading Genesis 2 and 3. After Adam and Eve sinned they tried to hide themselves from an omnipresent God, that doesn't make any sense to me, but what really intrigued me was God's reaction in Genesis 3:9, God calls out to Adam and asks where are you? God calling out to Adam signifies that He was lost and no longer in right-standing with God. I loved that God's response to Adam and Eve's sin was love. Instead of raging with anger towards Adam and Eve, He first addressed Satan and declared His plan of redemption for His people in Genesis 3: 14-15.

In verse 17-19 He is speaking to Adam and assigns punishment for his disobedience that would also affect him and all of the generations that would follow. God is Just, look at the order He chose---> Satan, Eve, Adam.
Before the fall, Adam and Eve reigned the earth in full authority, their sin opened the earth to be overthrown by evil and disrupted with calamity, still God brought peace and acted in love.

When we sin, we disappoint God and there will be repercussions, but we must understand that we serve a God of love. No matter what you do, think, or say He still loves you because His love is perfect and everlasting.

Romans 8:38-39 "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

We need to know that our purpose in God does not change because of our sin. He has already established a plan of reconciliation, it's called forgiveness. When we confess our sins, faults and shortcomings to God He is QUICK to forgive. He is not a friend that will condemn or continually bring your lowest moments back-up. The word says He throws them behind His back and never remembers them again. Once we've asked for forgiveness, then ask God to help us forgive ourselves. This is often the hardest part, because we replay the events over and over -- instead of accepting God's mercy we beat ourselves mentally and emotionally over something God has already forgotten. The word says, that the Lord disciplines those He loves...not to hurt us, but to restore us.

If we have fallen from the grace of God, don't try to hide (it's impossible) instead, run to Him and confess your wrongs so He can make you right. He is in love with you, it is foolish to seek comfort and restoration from anyone/where else. There are many great men and women in the Bible who were called by God to be great and to do great things, but somewhere along the way, they fell short. David was a man after God's own heart, but he still committed murder and adultery. Did David fall yes, but he was a man who knew how to repent and cry out to the Lord in times of strife and in times of joy. David was a worshipper, and so are we. We are all created to worship, that is our common bond. Follow David's example, run to God, confess and praise the Lord, sin does not devalue your worship. Please know that the Lord is looking for you and longing to hear from you, just like He did with Adam in the garden.

Always remember, you are not what you did, you are who God called you to be. The word of God never changes and His plan is fixed, set and established. His plan does not alter itself because we fall short, the goal is for us to alter ourselves through the leading of the Holy Spirit to fit and carry out God's custom plan for our lives. It's ok. You fell. Get back up and continue forward. God still wants to give us His best and He still wants to see us blessed.

God says: You Are Forgiven.

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