
God is good, I truly mean that. I know it's a common saying, but for me it's become more than a saying. Over the past two months it's become a confession. I really appreciate the fact that He is always honest with me and He corrects me when I'm wrong. I also love the fact that when I'm right He tells me, not to fear, not to let my heart be troubled and He reminds me that He has already given me peace. How awesome to stand before an army empty-handed and still win. That's just how good God is when you are in right-standing with Him.

I'm still in the "wilderness", but I'm not afraid. It's just a place of passing and no matter how hard it gets,I'm encouraged to know that it will not deter or destroy God's plan for my life. Each day He gives me is an opportunity to believe and agree with what He has already spoken over me. Do you know that when you are in the wilderness but in right-standing with God, you become the most dangerous/powerful being in the wilderness? Why? Because if God be for you, who can be against you?

My prayer is is that I can develop an insatiable hunger for the word of God. This is the time to truly embrace God not for what I want, but for who He is. It seems like I have been dealing with circumstances that seem too hard to bear, I'm praying that I continue to cast my cares upon Him because I know He cares for me. I have to remind myself to just declare Him as Lord, and remember that Lord means owner. When I do that, every situation becomes His responsibility. I'll try not to procrastinate or try to fix it on my own, but give it to Jesus.

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