
There are two ways to lose your mind.. The most familiar state of mind loss is the frightening separation from reality. Mind loss is usually caused by overwhelming circumstances, lack of faith and a loser mentality. It is best described as mind split.. A year ago, a friend of mine jumped out of a building as a suicide attempt, but he survived. His only injury was two broken legs. My friend said that he is now certain that God has a purpose for him and he would dedicate his life to finding and living it rather than trying to kill it off..

My friend then told me a story about a young man who wanted to be successful. He was told to meet a man at a lake, that man would be his mentor. The mentor sat on a boat in the water and told the young man to walk into the water, the young man not knowing how to swim did as he was told and found himself under the water. When he was pulled up, the mentor asked him what he wanted to do more than anything while he was under, the young man said, "I wanted to breathe"...then it hit me...

I was drowning in worry and more than anything I wanted comfort. I had to confess and repent to God, because worry means I wasn't totally trusting and depending on God. My spirit was saying, "All things are possible in Christ" while my flesh was saying, "Why?, How?, When?, Who?"

"Moreover let us exult and triumph in troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce patient and unswerving endurance. And endurance develops maturity of character And character produces joyful and confident hope of eternal salvation".

Honestly, learning how to rejoice in suffering is the last thing I want to do. But I know comfort is most present when we are in agreement with God's wisdom. Therefore, I'm called to stop questioning Him. I'm also called to release ownership of my situation.

The truth is, we don't deserve anything, we are not above adversity. our deeds don't give us merit, we are saved by grace. We are called to carry out the life of Christ within our bodies, we must follow Christ's example.

When we can swallow that pill, the infection of worry will heal. But, don't swallow the pill until after you lose your mind. I'm not talking about the loss that leads to suicide. I'm talking about the kind of mind loss found in God's word, it says to let the mind of Christ also be in us. This process represents a dissolution, where we submit our thoughts, hopes, and desires for His thoughts, hopes, and desires....I'm now called to lose my mind in exchange for His.

Jesus committed suicide, so we would never have to. He died for all of we all should dedicate our lives to finding and living the purpose He ordained.

Hebrews 12: 2-3 "Looking away to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of our faith and is also its Finisher. He, for the joy that was set before Him. endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Just think of Him Who endured from sinners such grievous opposition and bitter hostility against Himself so that you may not grow weary or exhausted, losing heart and relaxing and fainting in your MINDS."

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