Behind the music?

You know how you can hear a song 30 times, but notice something different the 31st time? Well that happened to me today. The part of the song that really clanged in my ears was "BUT IF", this BUT IF acknowledges that God is able to pull us through any trial, however, it also acknowledges His sovereign authority to allow the storm to rage.

Then I felt like the Lord's question to me was, "Are you willing to trust Me, EVEN when it feels and looks like you're drowning?"
I had to pause right there. My first thought was.....How could I not feel betrayed if you allowed me to drown? I don't have an answer, but I'm working on it..

Have you ever heard from God, set off to do the very thing He asked, but along the way you were met with obstacles and hardships from every direction? If you've been there, you know it's an extremely lonely and frustrating time. But, I'm going to tell you, what I tell myself (in the midst of my tears) "God is not surprised by the opposition, He's prepared for a time such as this, and the only reason why your faith, tears, worship, prayers, and sowing seems to be in vain, is because the enemy knows God is about to bless you with your destiny and he can't stand it. A child of God in right standing with the Father is a threat to the enemy. For that very reason the enemy is trying to take you out of your God given race. The enemy will attack you: mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Therefore, let your mind be renewed, guard your heart, and read the word of God for ammunition".

The only thing that qualifies me to speak about the Lord is the fact that I'm saved, filled with the Holy Spirit and maintain a personal relationship with Him.
I'm a sinner saved by grace and growing in the Lord.

Though the storms keep on raging in my life
And sometimes it's hard to tell the night from day
Still that hope that lies within is reassured as I keep my eyes upon the distant shore
I know He'll lead me safely to that blessed place He has prepared
But if the storm don't cease and if the winds keep on blowing in my life
My soul has been anchored in the Lord.
I realize that sometimes, in this life, we're gonna be tossed be the waves and the currents that seem so fierce
But in the Word of God I've got an anchor, oh yes I have, and keeps me steadfast, unmoveable, despite the tide
But if the storm don't cease and if the winds keep on blowing in my life
My soul has been anchored in the Lord

1 comment:

  1. Not sure you are aware exactly how profound this post is. Thank you.
