So I'm running, If I can't walk then I'll crawl and I'll get up if I fall, gotta get to where you are.

"So I'm running, If I can't walk then I'll crawl and I'll get up if I fall, gotta get to where you are. So I'm running and I won't stop for nothing, it's hard , but its worth it, when its you Lord that I want".

Some of us are fighting with God and my advice is to give in, because you will NOT win. (I should probably start taking my own advice)...

Sometimes, God has to strip us of our "life-lines", so he can take us to another level..

Recently, I have been down on every side, I haven't been able catch a break anywhere and it feels like God has forgotten about me!

I was crying, complaining, looking at what everybody else had that I felt I was entitled to, and on top of that, I was a hater. Yes, I can admit that. I was not in a place where I could be happy for anybody, because nothing positive was happening for me. I wanted to tap-out of my life like I was in a wrestling match. Exhausted, I stopped fighting God realizing my misery was justified and the reason for my suffering was me.

While I was mad at God, refusing to talk to Him, He was right there with his arms wide open. But me being delirious with anger was too busy yelling where are you? to notice.

Now, I'm beginning to put myself in a place where I can celebrate the successes of other people and sincerely thank God for that dry place.
He wants us to have the best out of the life He has given, but we have to surrender and let Him have full control by realizing that your life is not about you, its about Him working in you.

God created us for a purpose, but we will never discover it, until we learn to let go. In trying to do this, we often get hung up on our own strengths and what we have overcome in the past. It is time to admit, that you don't have any strength and everything you got through in the past was by the grace of God, not you.

1 Peter 5:10 "After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all Grace who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you"

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