45 Jesus things I learned this year.

So, I was told to write down the top 10 things that I learned in 2010 that had to do with my faith in Jesus. I started to write them down, and I realized how many things I learned. I got to 45.. There are more, I'm sure, but I should be studying for finals.. So, I stopped at 45 for now.. Here they go.. (in no particular order)

1.) My relationships with people reflect my relationship with God

2.) It's impossible to be honest with the Lord if you cannot be honest with yourself. Lasting relationships are built on honesty

3.) God sees every weakness and knows every secret, but He loves us anyway

4.) The Lord speaks at all times, but listening is a choice

5.) Jesus died so that you could live the best life possible, the only person that can hinder your growth is you

6.) Through Christ we have the power to be joyful, even in times of heartbreak

7.) The joy of the Lord is our strength

8.) God's call or plan for our life is non-negotiable, just accept it, agree with Him for the best results and the greatest performance

9.) We're made to handle each obstacle that dares to step in our way, don't be discouraged, the Lord has already gone ahead of us

10.) Our first love and commitment is to the Lord, give Him your best and your all

11.) Living for God leads to a much more productive life than living for something else

12.) The best place to be is in the will of God

13.) Fulfillment/approval can only be found in God, be aware of the enemy; he specializes in cliche fulfillment

14.) Forgive, so the Lord can hear and honor your prayers

15.) Show mercy like Jesus, we are all flawed, forgive those who offend you, sometimes they don't realize the hurt in their words/actions

16.) Don't be afraid to fall in love with Jesus, it's the safest and most fulfilling relationship you can have

17.) In order to live an abundant life, we must stay connected to the source

18.) He loved us, before we loved him

19.) Praise closes the gap when there is distance in our relationship

20.) Without the Bible we would be lost

21.) It's hard, but try to embrace periods of loneliness, after all you're never really alone and it usually means God wants to speak to you personally

22.) Don't be afraid to tell the Lord your desires, fears, or troubles it's ok to admit your frailty to Him, it's often the first step to becoming whole. So get naked. ;)

23.) Humility is key, the Lord prefers clay over stone

24.) Strive to see yourself through God's eyes

25.) Be willing to let go of characteristics that you think make you who you are...they may be imperfections you've accepted that were not included in God's original design

26.) We don't have to be sick, healing is available by faith to all who believe

27.) Serve God's people, be ready and willing to wash the feet of others(i hate feet, but you know what i'm trying to get at here..right?) :)

28.) The only one you must know to rise to the top is Christ.

29.) Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed, not gloomy or limited to the church walls, LIVE. Living for God doesn't mean you cannot wear pants, laugh, dance or try new things

30.) We will be known by our love. Love people. Make a big impression with love- smile, give eye contact, don't be afraid to hug a stranger, listen as long as they need you to, you may save a life...let's defeat suicide. Make everyone feel like they matter, because they do.

31.) If you see someone with a need and feel led by the Holy Spirit to give something away; Do It.

32.) Live righteous, even when nobody is looking. God honors righteous living/thoughts/prayer done in private

33.) Don't be afraid to worship the Lord in front of people...try to forget they are there, it could be your last chance..

34.) We're Human. Sometimes we make mistakes, or say and do things we know aren't right. ASK for forgiveness then move on. Once you've repented, it's forgotten by God and you are wiped clean. There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus, so don't continue to beat yourself up after He's forgiven you. REMEMBER: Don't Judge other people, remember your own sin and Choose to LOVE instead.

35.) When you have nothing, you discover how wealthy you are...watch the Lord provide.

36.) There is no need to fear death

37.) God doesn't need your help, nor does He need your opinion...the same goes with people if they don't ask for your opinion, strive to keep your mouth shut, and to do each task as unto the Lord, obedience honors Him.

38.) Pride comes from insecurity and feelings of entitlement...it will kill you and halt God's plan, ask the Lord to help you conquer it

39.) We represent Christ-Be mindful of how you make Him look...LOVE.

40.) God wants to be involved in EVERY area of your life

41.) Broken people create broken relationships...God offered His best, which was His son Jesus Christ. We should offer our best to each other...you cannot have a successful/ healthy relationship without first being in a successful/ healthy relationship with the Lord.

42.) Don't settle or lower your standards for a potential partner, think of who you belong to, He didn't send His Son for you to have a mediocre relationship. Don't give up on your God given destiny.

43.) If your in a relationship with someone who is not saved nor seeking a relationship with Christ as instructed in the Bible- move on. He or she is a distraction the reward is behind the next door.

44.) Exceed expectations...our Father in heaven does.

45.) If you are in need of a role model or inspiration look at Christ.

Of course I slip and I don't live by what the 45 things above say. But that's what I have learned. I guess right now I can add a 46th lesson I've learned...

46.) Psalm 56:3 - When I'm afraid, I put my trust in You.
At the end of 2010, this verse got me through so much. It also helped recreate a friendship that had always failed before. It's funny to look back and see how two really bad, traumatic events can bring so many people together as One in Christ. So, number 46 is.. When you are afraid, put your trust in Christ; trust me, it helps.

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