"The sky looked beautiful today..

and it's all because I know you're up there.."
I watched as the family I've always seem be so crazy and happy, fall apart into tears. All of us together in one church, worshipping and praising the God that our Nanny loved with her whole heart. Never in my life did I ever once think about how a death of a loved one could bring so many people together.. I always thought that when someone in our family died, it would just piss us all off and push us all away from each other becuase we didn't wanna talk about our feelings.. since we're all like that.. But, through this past week.. I realize how blessed I am to have the family that I have..
I watched as my Peepaw got up in front of everyone and cried. He cried through the words that he shared about our Nanny, and he cried when we worshipped all together. Surprisingly, that was the first time I ever saw my Peepaw cry. Through his brain tumor and throughout the whole 16 years of my life, today was the first time I ever saw him cry. And it absolutely broke my heart.
I finally saw that it really is ok to cry. It's ok to feel. It's ok to open up.
I realize now that I can't change what happens in my life. I just have to accept it for what it is and know that God has a reason behind everything. Now Nanny is up in heaven with the Lord. I'm jealous! What makes me really happy though.. Is she gets to be with my Hunter bug.
Nanny taught us all so much. I will never EVER forget her

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