Stupid Satan..

I used to say that I could never catch a break.. and when it seemed like everything was going back to "normal", something else would end up happening. Or bad things would happen back-to-back-to-back.. And then I hear other people's stories, and I realize how thankful I should be for what God has given me.

I never really looked at death from someone else's point of view. I always look at it as "MY friend died", or "MY great grandma died".. but today, I looked at it differently. I started seeing things on twitter and facebook about my friends Kevin and Vinny.. A few minutes later Kevin's mom texted me, telling me that he and Vinny were killed in a drunk driving accident.. I couldn't believe it. I texted people asking for prayers, I cried like a small child, I laid in my bed not wanting to move, and then I thought... Kevin had a mom, a dad, a fiance, three brothers, and two sisters.. and at that moment, I stopped thinking about me and thought about them. Kevin may have been MY friend, but he was soo much more to them.. He was a son, a lover, a brother, a best friend; he was their life.. and he was taken away from them in an instant..

I know how it feels to have someone taken away from you without any sign of it coming. My best friend of 5 years killed himself without telling anyone, a good friend from church got in an accident and within 2 hours there were 20-30 students gathered at a home crying over the loss, a fire killed 6 of my friends in an instant without anyone thinking that birthday party would go so wrong..

Life throws you curve balls.. But you gotta catch 'em and give 'em to Him..

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