As I entered the home that seemed all too familiar, I instantly had flashbacks of all the good times I had in it. Whether it was mattress surfing down the stairs, painting the walls, breaking dishes after they were permanently stained, running into the walls on a unicycle, helping hang up picture frames, scaring the pizza guy, prank calling the neighbors, opening and closing the garage door on armadillos, shooting birds with potato guns, dying armpit hairs bright orange, waxing leg hairs on the couch, getting yelled at for being out too late, getting yelled at for being home too early, and so many more memories... I couldn't help but cry. I looked at the stairs in front of me and saw photos leading up the hall.. Most were of family, and then one frame caught my eye.. A picture of me. My fifth grade school was still there. Originally it was placed there so hunter could make fun of me for looking like a "fagoid".. But it was still there. I remembered the house perfectly. I knew whos room was where and what I could find in cabinets. The first room on the right still had my name spray painted on it, with a little heart at the top (I remember getting yelled at for hours about it).. And before I even opened it, I thought "maybe I shouldn't go in here. What if they cleaned it all out" but I went in. And it was exactly how he left it... The bed wasn't made, there were clothes on the floor- along with a blood stain from he shot himself, there were pictures on the walls- along with holes and dents from where we had tested out the potato guns..and bb guns, his book was still open to the page where he left off, and everything still smelt like him... The room was still his. As I walked around it, looking at photos of me and him and reading stuff that was laying around..tears filled my eyes. Everything was dusty and old, including the mcdonalds in the corner by the bean bag which was mine from two days before he died. As I started to sit on the bed his brother came in and said "they haven't moved anything in here... They wont even cover up that damn stain" then he began to cry. I got up to hug him and he said "fix the blanket. You moved it a little to the right"... He said he sleeps on the floor in there hoping maybe Hunter would come into his dreams that night. We continued talking about old times when I heard my name being called.

Two rooms to the left and across the hall, the woman who would "nurse me back to health" when I needed it most was sitting up in her bed. Going there I was expecting the worst, but as soon as I walked in she said "I'm gonna beat this. Cancer is my bitch".. Everything after that was just us reminiscing on old times and talking about the future.

Leaving, all I could think about was "what would hunter say if he was here" and then I looked under his bed for my jacket I had left there a few days before he died.. And in that jacket I found what everyone had been looking for this whole time. It was a note...

"kaebug. I'm always with you. I love you."

RIP best friend. I love you and I miss you.

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