
I've been laying here staring at the ceiling all night. It's 4am and I'm not the least bit tired. I hate how this is messing with me. Everytime I close my eyes I see Nick and I just want to reach out and grab him, and then never let go.. He can't be gone...

"What's so special about my age?"

When I'm your age I hope that I am as strong as you are. I may complain constantly about you "not showing your emotions" but I only do that because I wish I could contain my emotions as well as you do. You say it's "unhealthy" but I look at it as it's own emotion all in itself.. That probably doesn't make sense to you, or to anyone else, but it makes sense to me. I see it like this; you're strong, stronger than any other person that I know. You're able to contain your emotions when it's neccessary, and show them (well, some of them) when it's ok. I'm the type of person to hold in every single little thing until I finally break, and then I go into a state of "I hate the world", but you don't do that. You're able to show your emotions in a different way, you're able to do it in a healthier way than I would ever be able to do. I strive to be like you in that way. I strive to make myself stronger by learning from you. I've said it before and I will say it time and time again, you are my role model. You have been since the first month that I got to know you, and you still are now; almost a year since the first day I met you. It's crazy looking at how quickly things have moved since the first day we met. And I couldn't be happier with where we are in our friendship. You're one of the few people that I look up to, and I can say that you are my inspiration to continue striving to be a better person. I thank God for you daily, and I don't know where I'd be if I hadn't met you a year ago.. Who knows what would have happened to me, who knows where I'd be right now.. God obviously put you in my life for a reason, and now you're stuck in it.

So, what's so special about your age? YOU are special about your age.. Even if it is a pretty old age.. ;)

Shock and Awe..

I once was lost, but now I'm found. Thank you Lord for your amazing grace.
Through the trials the Lord became real. I think that was key to my breakthrough. I learned that God is present even when it seems like He's not. I also learned that not only is He there, but He's preparing to perform a miracle on our behalf.

His circumstances certainly looked like a death situation. A few days went by and he didn't respond, was still in a coma, and I didn't know what was going to happen.. all of this revealed that I needed to learn more about the character of God. Why? Because simply put, its easy to trust someone you know. "Wait on the Lord and be of good courage, He fulfills every promise, whether it comes months or verses later, if He said it, it shall come to pass. The Lord blessed me, what now? SAME THING. I need Him now more than ever, MICHAEL needed Him more than ever, I would be a fool to think I could be ok without him, or that Michael could survive without Him, through the trials I've learned that He is enough and if He never does anything else, He's done enough.

Deuteronomy 4:35-38
Deuteronomy 7
Joshua 1:8-9
1.) Keep the Lord's commandments
2.) Uphold the covenant
3.) Be confident and courageous in the Lord
4.) Take with force the land/property that the Lord has claimed as ours, show no mercy
5.) Do not be afraid, the Lord is with us

Esther Chapters 3-7
1.) Trust the Lord at All times
2.) Do not be silent-Say and Do what the Lord says
3.) Know that traps set by the enemy, will ultimately be their downfall
4.) If fearful, God will appoint someone else to complete His plan, the fearful will perish
5.) Accept the fact that our assignment is larger than we can fathom, it will benefit many
6.) It's selfish to think only about our comfort
7.) Enemies will exalt us, before they fall

Esther 8
1.) The enemy's possessions become mine, what I didn't toil/work for becomes mine
2.) All that God writes about me and says cannot be reversed, it shall come to pass, no man can overturn it
3.) After worship, we depart clean, the way God sees us
4.) The victory isn't just for me, its for others, they will be enticed by the glory of God