No sweeter name than the name of Jesus..

My laptop finally started to work again. As I was listening through my iTunes from the years/months prior, I realized that I placed my identity in my music.

"You are the light to my heart and my soul. You are the light to the darkness around me. You are the hope to the hopeless and broken. You are the only truth and the way."

Though I do have a lot of worship music in my iTunes playlist, I realized how much junk over-ruled it. After attempting the music challenge that my high school youth minister gave to us a few months ago, and not getting through the first 3 days without breaking and listening to secular music, I have realized that he wasn't lyin'. What you put in is most definitely what comes out.

At Stampede this week, an 11 year old girl in middle school came to me to tell me that she was indeed saved and she was a believer, but she didn't feel connected. As I told her my different opinions, that music challenge popped in my head. Knowing that most middle schoolers these days listen to Drake, Ke$ha, Bieber, etc. and not Shane and Shane or David Crowder; I asked her what kind of music she listened to, sure enough she named off all the people that you can hear on 97.0 the Beat and 106.1, but no one that you can hear on that stupid 94.9 station that is safe for the whole family (KLTY bothers me, I stick with CD's). So, I gave her the same challenge that Eron gave us months ago..

The next night she came up to me and asked me to write down every christian artist that I could think of because her mom was going to be going to the store and going to buy her all of the worship CD's that she wanted. Through the night I watched her worship whole-heartedly and I could just tell that she was slowly but surely reconnecting with the God that she thought was too far away to reach :)

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