No sweeter name than the name of Jesus..

My laptop finally started to work again. As I was listening through my iTunes from the years/months prior, I realized that I placed my identity in my music.

"You are the light to my heart and my soul. You are the light to the darkness around me. You are the hope to the hopeless and broken. You are the only truth and the way."

Though I do have a lot of worship music in my iTunes playlist, I realized how much junk over-ruled it. After attempting the music challenge that my high school youth minister gave to us a few months ago, and not getting through the first 3 days without breaking and listening to secular music, I have realized that he wasn't lyin'. What you put in is most definitely what comes out.

At Stampede this week, an 11 year old girl in middle school came to me to tell me that she was indeed saved and she was a believer, but she didn't feel connected. As I told her my different opinions, that music challenge popped in my head. Knowing that most middle schoolers these days listen to Drake, Ke$ha, Bieber, etc. and not Shane and Shane or David Crowder; I asked her what kind of music she listened to, sure enough she named off all the people that you can hear on 97.0 the Beat and 106.1, but no one that you can hear on that stupid 94.9 station that is safe for the whole family (KLTY bothers me, I stick with CD's). So, I gave her the same challenge that Eron gave us months ago..

The next night she came up to me and asked me to write down every christian artist that I could think of because her mom was going to be going to the store and going to buy her all of the worship CD's that she wanted. Through the night I watched her worship whole-heartedly and I could just tell that she was slowly but surely reconnecting with the God that she thought was too far away to reach :)


Here goes nothin.

I graduated high school. Nearly lost a dear friend. Broke up with who I thought was the love of my life. Switched high schools....twice. Made new friends. Lost good ones. Got a tattoo. Got suspended. And then 3rd partied. Got another tattoo. Enrolled in three different schools. Withdrew from two. "Cyberbullied." Made my schedule for college. Met my new soccer coach. Ordered books and uniforms. Met my roommate. Started counting down to August 11th. Worked Stampede. Went to a concert. Pierced a friend's ear. Had a graduation party. Walked the stage. Decorated my cap. Said goodbye to a dear friend who moved to Maryland. Was the DD, more than once. Told my story to an 11 year old. Watched my little help a girl accept Christ. Hung out with a girl I once hated. Learned to love her, a lot. SURVIVED HIGH SCHOOL AND DEFEATED SENIORITIS.

Been awhile, huh? You've missed a lot. I guess that's my fault though, right? Where I left off was a bad point. November 16th is always a rough day for me, and after that I suffered from an intense case of writer's block. So excuse me if this is rather boring and bland. Warning: it will be.

I literally did everything in high school that you possibly could.. I did drugs. I drank alcohol. I had boyfriends. I almost had a girlfriend (gross ew no). I got saved. I got baptized. I got suspended. I got 3rd partied. I went to alternative school. I got in a fight. I got broken up with. I got cheated on. I made new friends. I lost best friends. People died. New people came in my life. I went to football games. I went to baseball games. I went to basketball games. I played sports. I said I hated more people than I actually did. I switched the middle of my senior year. I called a girl a slut. I broke up with people. I was convinced that I had found the love of my life. I went on field trips. I went to a church that became my other home. I thought I was a badass. I thought I was popular. I was depressed. I was happy. I came down with a major case of senioritis. I got accepted to college. I made friends much older than me and thought I was cool because of it. I adopted younger kids as my "littles." I had many best friends. I failed. I went to summer school. I made scenes, plenty of them. I screamed. I yelled. I cried. I smiled. I laughed.

Though my senior year was the only one that I was completely off drugs for, you'd think by the sounds of it that I would have fallen right back to where I was freshman and sophomore year. Bare with me, this is not a pity party.. I started of the year without my best friend with a fresh broken heart. I reconnected with one of my best friends, he became my boyfriend. My best girl friend came back from rehab and we reconnected and continued being best friends. I went to every single football because my boyfriend was (kinda) on the team. Whether it was raining or it was way too hot, I was at every single one. As time went on, I celebrated my one year clean. I was baptized, and then I lost all of what I was enjoying the day we got back from Christmas break. Rumor had it that an underclassmen was trying to "get with" my boyfriend. If you know me, you know I am extremely protective of what is mine. So, I took charge. Cyberbullied her and it came back to bite me right in the butt. I was suspended for a week. The end of that week was approaching when I got a phone call telling me that I was being 3rd partied. The initial sentence was 30 days, got in bumped down to 15. Ended up only spending 9 days at Metro. I came back to Heights on my 18th birthday. I got a tattoo that night. A couple weeks later, I was going to be 3rd partied again because I looked at that same girl when she parked next to me. Ended up that she wasn't only a giant tattle tell, but that she was literally out to get me. I made the decision with my mother to switch me schools. I withdrew from heights that next day and enrolled at boswell the day after that. I rebelled during spring break because I was so hurt and ended up getting myself in more trouble. I went to heights and boswell prom. made my college schedule. Actually passed my senior year and graduated.

And now you're filled in. I was fighting a battle inside of me that only God could help me overcome. Though I turned away from him for awhile because I thought that HE was out to get me, He proved me wrong. As always.