YOU never let go.

Last night I experienced something that I never thought I would be able to experience. I never thought that God would use ME, as a shining light. I never thought He would use ME to bring someone to Him. But, he did.

I aways looked at this girl and judged (wrong, i know). But, I couldn't help it. I saw her as the "old me." When in all honestly, that "old me" is stilla huge part of me in the sense that I have an amazing story I can tell about my transformation through Jesus. With that story, came her tears and her begging for my help so that she could be at home with Christ like I am. I wrote a note on facebook where I had to write something different for 10 different people who had been on my heart lately, she was number 9. I wrote this:

9. I'm scared for you. I see you go back and forth on what you want with your faith, and I only want the best for you. We aren't very close, and I hope this doesn't scare you away from getting closer with me. But all I want is for you to be happy in a healthy relationship with God. You go back and forth from what you want, and it scares me because you are just like how I used to be. Fortunately, I had people behind me pushing me to God and not to the other things that I was choosing over Him. You are an amazing, special girl and I wish you could see what I see in you. I know you could have an amazing life if you just tried, like I did. You really are sweet when you want to be, but I don't want you to be fake anymore. I want you to see that God DOES love you, even if you don't want Him to..

I waited for her response, hoping that she would even read it.. And she did. She said that she understood what I was saying but she didn't know why I cared. I told her that I had been where she was and I could help her. Then I gave her a link to the song "You Never Let Go" -Matt Redman. She told me to hold on as she went to listen to it and then she came back in tears. Somehow I knew that song would get her to break, because that's the song that got ME to break when I needed to be broken.

Not so much a broken hearted, "broken." But a broken where God saves you right at that moment and you are so overwhelmed by the feeling of truly being loved by the one and only GOD that you can't control it. She said that she loved Him but she never knew how to show it, and that people would make fun of her if she were open about her love for Jesus.

Now that, I understood. I grew up in a home with fighting parents, crazy living arrangements, having to move from house-to-house because of the neighbors complaints about my dad's yelling, being overlooked for years, and so many more things that no one ever knew about. And when I accepted Christ, I came home to my dad laughing and my mom being so proud. My brother, only 7, saying he wanted a close relationship with God too.

I knew how she felt when she thought that people would make fun of her. I knew how it felt to BE made fun of for changing. I knew how it felt to fail. I knew how it felt to be afraid.

She didn't know how to do it. She still doesn't know. But now not only does she have me and other helping her, she has God helping her. And He never lets go!! :)

Could the maker of the stars really hear the sounds of our broken hearts? That is an obvious yes. After stayin up late with this girl last night, I am so happy/excited to have been, and to still be a part of her transformation and walk with Jesus.

Just thought I'd share the craziest most amazing thing I have ever been apart of in my life. I'm so happy I was able to be the person to help her accept Christ when she needed it most. :)